Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ph.D in Poopology and Urinology

We've changed more bed sheets and underwear than we would have liked, but I believe we've earned our degrees in P & U (Poopology and Urinology).  We proudly met each milestone with a sigh of relief knowing we were getting closer to freedom from the diapers.  I swear the Rocky theme played in my head when we returned from running errands with them still wearing DRY "big boy underwear."  I'd hear the song play again when they'd say, "Pee pee again!" with ample time to get to the potty. When #2's starting happening, the Rocky theme was replaced with a chorus of  Hallelujah! We've had lapses, as is expected, but we are no longer in Huggies bondage.  That last box was the LAST box ever.  It is a wonderful feeling to walk out Costco and Sams Huggies-less!
Anthony: "I need a sticker for my new chart."

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