Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 29, 2009 - Merry 2nd Christmas (90 Weeks)

This Christmas was so much more fun since the boys are now able to open their own presents. It took some coaxing on our part to get them ripping; I found that strange since they are so good at ripping Mommy’s magazines under the coffee table without prompting or permission. Santa and their loved ones from near and far were very good to them. They were given thoughtful gifts that were both fun and educational. A big hug and kiss from Daniel and Anthony for your thoughfulness! Our Christmas day was topped off with dinner at Tio Johnny’s and Titi Debbie’s house.
Twins Update: Daniel has discovered how to suck his teeth(not in the teenage manner!)Although I have nice voice, little Daniel will occasionally grunt or shriek for me to stop singing some of the songs from his favorite cartoons.
Anthony has this thing of going “Hmmmm” with an innotation that quickly rises and falls as if he is pondering a major question like the meaning of life.
Question of the day: Is it common knowledge in the baby world to immediately poo after being bathed, powdered and diapered?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December 22, 2009 - "What is dis? What is dat?" (89 Weeks)

This week Anthony out of nowhere starting saying,"What is dis? What is dat?" The funny thing is that he isn't really asking what something is. Rather, he is asking to have the object given to him (i.e. toothbrush, bottle, crackers etc.)
Packages have been arriving from family and friends this week, and these two have been having a ball climbing on them as you can see.
This year I am feeling so behind the ball. The early Christmas shopping didn't get done or my Christmas cards. I pondered about what the heck happened. I figured out that the big difference was that last year the boys were still in car seats that popped into their double stroller. They were content being in there while Mom and Dad shopped and plucked them out and popped them in store after store. Now that these two can walk, there is no keeping them in the stroller while shopping for too long. The packages did eventually make it out back East(thank God for priority mail)and almost all arrived Christmas Eve. As for our Christmas cards they will become after Christmas cards. It is the thought that counts, right?
* I let them break in their Christmas pajamas early. :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009 - Monkey See, Monkey Do ( 88 Weeks)

These boys are too much! One sees his brother do something, and immediately the other must do it, too! Anthony throws his sippy cup with water overboard, so must Daniel. Daniel climbs up on a chair to turn on the light switch, so must Anthony.
Things that warm the heart: Watching Daniel rock his body when the song at the end of Dora comes on (We did it. We did it. Lo hicimos! We did it. Hooray!) Anthony pulling in my face to his: eyelashes to eyelashes, nose to nose, separated only by his pacifier.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009 - It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas ( 87 Weeks)

Daniel began the task of getting the Christmas decorations out of the garage. He got everything organized and off to work he went. He got the lights up around the house and positioned all the inflatable characters on the lawn. Our 7ft. Santa is accompanied by Dora the Explorer, Tigger, and Mickey Mouse. By the palm tree are three reindeer and another Santa. Danno did a good job. I couldn't wait for the boys to see the fruits of Dad's labor. Unfortunately for them, Mr. Sandman got to them before Santa. Tomorrow is another day!
Anthony,our bull, who never gets sick suffered from a sore throat this week. He became inconsable on Sunday night, so much so that we got worried enough to take him to Emergency. Since Little Daniel was asleep, I stayed with him and Daniel took Anthony. He is now fine.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December 1, 2009 - First Haircut (86 Weeks)

The boys finally got their first haircut! It had been something Daniel and I had been talking about for a while now. The gal who normally cuts my hair had some time, so I decided impusively that there was no time like the present. The boys were for the most part cooperative for Nancy. It is amazing how this one change transformed their look. Our babies look so grown up now :(
Thanksgiving was spent in Riveride at the house of Daniel's brother, Johnny. Thankfully my sister-in-law does all the cooking :) All we have to do is bring dessert. Her good cooking somehow balances out the long drive!
We took the boys for a short visit to Barnes and Noble. They are not yet at the point of being able to sit down nicely and listen to a story be read by Mom or Dad when there. It is much more fun to explore the store.
Latest actions: These boys love taking all the pillows off the sofas, throwing pillows off our bed, tossing folded clothes out of drawers, pushing the dining room chairs across the living room, feeding Lucky, typing on our laptops, insisting on using real forks and spoons, and chasing each other across the family room while screaming at the top of their lungs!