Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24, 2008 - Reflection (11 Weeks Old)

It is hard to believe, but we are slowly approaching the three month mark with the boys in our lives. After feeding the boys and laying them down for a nap today, I sat looking at them and thought to myself, "We are really blessed!" I have to say double baby management is one of the hardest (if not THE hardest) thing Daniel and I have ever had to learn to do, but we wouldn't ask for our pre-twin life back if we could. I read in a book that raising multiples is the extreme sport of parenting. There are definitely days when the boys prove that statement to ring very true.

Daniel and Anthony are reaching each developmental milestone and passing with flying colors. They are gripping our fingers, staring intently, kicking , blowing bubbles, holding their heads up, smiling, cooing, cycling arms and legs, sucking their fingers and hands, and they recognize our voices. They may be twins, but they definitely each have their own personalities since their days in the womb. Here is what we've noticed to date:

Daniel: Loves being in the swing, self soothes well, much more independent, not a big eater and drinks slowly, exhibits a gentle, calm personality, patient, and has a beautiful smile that warms the heart.

Anthony: Loves being in the sling, not a self-soother yet, needs mommy much more, has a great appetite and drinks fast, (he'd win a formula drinking contest hands down!), exhibits a feisty personality, a bit impatient, colicky, and has a beautiful smile that warms the heart like his brother.

Monday, June 23, 2008

June 16, 2008 - Let's Go Mets! (10 Weeks Old)

The boys got to see their first Mets game this week! Many think we must have been nuts to have taken them, but they behaved miraculously well. Baby Daniel slept through a good part it. Anthony was up a bit longer and was quite spoiled in the arms of our his Auntie Leah, Auntie Liz, and Uncle Carlos. Because Daniel and I are still faithful to our New York home teams (Mets and Yankees) we try to get to a game when they are in town. This was our first game together as a family and the experience was even sweeter since the Mets beat the Angels 9-6!

On Tuesday the boys had to get the HIB shot. It wasn't given to them at the two month appt. because they had run out of that vaccination. Again we experienced that sad cry which screams betrayal from each of them. The one positive thing we got from that appt. is their current weights. Daniel weighs 11.9 lbs. and Anthony is 12.4 lbs.

June 10, 2008 - Father's Day Week (9 Weeks Old)

On Tuesday morning Daddy Daniel became Photographer Dan and took pictures of the boys and me shortly after waking up. The shots are not photo studio quality, but definitely memory book worthy!

The boys and I are steadily getting into a routine, which is something absolutely necessary to have with twins. Once they get up, we feed them, change their diapers, and put them down to watch Sesame Street. It is never too early for learning. Plus, it gives me a little time to make the bed, wash and sterilize bottles, have a cup of java, and throw in a load of laundry :)

On Thursday we celebrated Part 1 of Father's Day. Daniel didn't know where the boys and I were taking him. He only knew to clear his schedule for a family day. I literally blindfolded Daniel once we were getting on the freeway so he wouldn't know where we were going. We got to Balboa and strolled the streets and did some shopping. We then took the ferry over to the penninsula and took a 45 minute narrated boat tour. It was after 6 p.m. and the day had cooled down quite nicely. Our plan was to vegg out on a blanket at the beach for a while, but the boys by that point were not cooperating much. So, we packed up earlier than anticipated and headed back to the island to eat dinner at a restaurant on Marine Avenue. It was a great day!

On Father's Day, I got the boys out of the room ever so quietly so Daddy could sleep in for a change. While he slept, I made Daniel a breakfast worthy of a 1st Father's Day! After breakfast he opened his present which was a Willow Tree statue called "New Dad."

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 3, 2008 - Vaccination Day (8 Weeks Old)

Today Daniel and I took the boys to their 2 month well baby appointment. They were weighed and measured. Daniel is now 10 lbs. 8 oz. and 21 inches. Anthony is 10lbs. 13 oz. and 22 inches. Besides getting weighed and measured, they got several shots. Despite the gentleness of the nurse, the boys were traumatized (as were we!) The scream that came out of them broke our hearts. They were cries I wish we didn't ever have to hear again, but we will since today's shots were just the first of a series. The boys didn't have much of an appetite the remainder of the day. They pretty much slept the day away. Anthony was affected much more than Daniel. He actually threw up his formula, and it was projectile in nature! Hopefully tomorrow they will back to normal. The boys were still somewhat "out of it" on Thursday. On Friday, Baby Daniel was really lethargic, and we had to take him to urgent care. He wasn't running a fever, but he was not acting as he normally does. A CBC, chest xray and stomach xray found nothing to be the matter. The pediatrician on duty said it could have been that since Daniel, Anthony, and I had all been sick, Baby Daniel was finally getting it. Supposedly symptoms can manifest as late as five days later, which meant it had nothing to do with the shots. Better safe than sorry I say.

This week we gave the boys their first bath in the bathtub. They seemed to have liked it, and we got some pretty neat shots of them. They have these cute little rolls of fat. Why are those little cherub rolls only cute on babies?

One of Daniel's clients owns a store that carries all kinds of Cuban and Puerto Rican t-shirts. He gave the boys these. Thank you, Chico!