Friday, July 29, 2011

July 26, 2011 - Whose Been Sleeping In My Bed?

Despite having very nice toddler beds of their own, these darling boys have had a marathon slumber party in our Cal King bed for the last three years.  These human book ends decided we needed to convert one of the boys' toddler beds to full size.  The idea in theory will be a win-win for everyone.  They get more play space in their room, Mommy and Daddy get their bed back, and in the event of guests, we have room for them.  After baths and 2 bedtime stories, they knocked out in their new bed. I didn't sleep a wink in anticipation of the disorientation cry; it never came.  They slept like...babies!  I have to admit, I will miss rolling over and seeing their faces and getting the half-asleep smile.  I will miss the nose-to-nose slumber.  I will also miss the floppy arms over me.  However, you have to toss the baby birds out of the nest sometime, right?  You're growing up too fast, my baby birds!!!  Slow down! I only have one shot at this motherhood thing.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 21, 2011 - The Blue Letter

I can associate lots of lovely things with the color blue: blue skies, blue Carribean waters, blue Tiffany boxes, and my old police car to name a few.  Today, I was handed a "blue letter" from one of the pre-school teachers, and its contents did not spark a warm, fuzzy feeling as the aforementioned do.  The letter was an incident report stating that our sweet Anthony hit the teacher :(  His not-the-first-aggressive-act on site earned him a visit with the director.  Needless to say, I was mortified.  Yes, I know he is adjusting to pre-school, the structure, other kids ...yada yada, yada.  Nonetheless,  I couldn't help but feel it was a reflection of me as a parent.  Thankfully the teacher handed me the letter in private and briefly explained what happened. I managed a stiff upper lip, nodded during the brief conversation, and suppressed the tears that were surely about to surface by blinking quickly.  Once the boys were buckled in their seats, I read the "report" and cried.  I talked to him about it in the car and Dad did at home, though he thought the whole report was a bit excessive.  I posted on Facebook about what happened and was flooded with much love and support. I questioned my ability to bring him to school the following day. All I wanted to do was "turtle."  Armed with my big girl panties and my inner strength set to maximum, I dropped him off the following day.  According to the teacher, he had "a good day!" Keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way!
Funny: I was taking the picture of the letter for the blog when Anthony comes over and says, "Take a picture of me."  The picture changed from what was to be that of a lonely blue letter to it being held by the offender. 
*Second week of summer pre-school*

Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 13, 2011 - Dino Deal

 Today  I took the boys and Josefina down to the Natural History Museum.  A free teacher preview of their Dino Hall, opening on July 16th, was graciously being offered.  Although the boys are a bit young for this level of information, they sure enjoyed the enormity of the dinosaur fossils and the opportunity to explore in the discovery room on the second floor.  After lunch, we headed over to the Butterfly Pavillion to see the array of beautiful  butterflies and then roamed through the Rose Garden before making our way back to Whittier.  Short day trips rock!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7, 2011 - Summer Swim Class

The boys have thoroughly enjoyed their M-Th swim classes at Splash.  They've learned so much and developed much more confidence in the water!  Ms. Katie was awesome!!!  She used terms the boys could understand (airplane arms, torpedo hands, etc.), used fun motivational water toys,  had Cars and Nemo kickboards, and lavished them with praise when they worked on a skill. I just may have to sign them up for another two week session.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ph.D in Poopology and Urinology

We've changed more bed sheets and underwear than we would have liked, but I believe we've earned our degrees in P & U (Poopology and Urinology).  We proudly met each milestone with a sigh of relief knowing we were getting closer to freedom from the diapers.  I swear the Rocky theme played in my head when we returned from running errands with them still wearing DRY "big boy underwear."  I'd hear the song play again when they'd say, "Pee pee again!" with ample time to get to the potty. When #2's starting happening, the Rocky theme was replaced with a chorus of  Hallelujah! We've had lapses, as is expected, but we are no longer in Huggies bondage.  That last box was the LAST box ever.  It is a wonderful feeling to walk out Costco and Sams Huggies-less!
Anthony: "I need a sticker for my new chart."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June 28 - July 1st 2011 - Zoom! Faith in the Fast Lane

The boys were afforded a great opportunity this week to attend vacation bible school at Granada Heights Friends Church.  We were driving home from the boys' swim lesson @ Splash when we saw a VBS banner with the theme of CARS strategically placed to catch our eyes.  We returned with Daddy to sign them up.  So impressed were we with the church grounds thematically decked out with  checkered flags, speed signs,  cars and Mater and McQueen look alikes. The boys were so jazzed about going each day.  They participated in praise and worship, age appropriate daily Bible stories, coloring, crafts, and recreation time. On the last day their recreation time included water fun and a Cars bounce house.  Our home church is small and doesn't conduct a VBS.  I'm so grateful we were welcomed to attend this VBS despite not being members.  An added bonus is that it was free! ("Jesus paid the price" states their flyer).  Their VBS and church volunteers get a two thumbs up :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Let The Summer Begin!

Enjoying the time off with our sons!
Magic Show at the Hacienda Heights Library

Magician Mikey

Officially signed up for the reading program @ the Whittier Library.

Water color fun

A much need nap after seeing Cars 2