Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 28, 2008 – Cutting the Umbilical Cord Ever So Slowly (29 Weeks)

For the first time, Daniel and I officially left the boys for an extended amount of time (3 ½ hours). We were invited to a local Halloween party being hosted by a colleague of mine. My handsome Spartan and I left our treasures in the hands of our fabulous friend and neighbor Martha. We’ll have to do date nights now that we took this first huge step!
We finally bought a camcorder this week. I don’t how we didn’t include that biggie in all the pre-babies purchases we made. We just felt the purchase was necessary, since they are just doing so many cute things. Money can always be made again. These precious times can never be recouped.
The pediatrician was visited this week since Baby Daniel was running a fever of 101.3. Despite measures to bring the fever down, the visit was necessary. I went to work, the nanny stayed with Anthony, and Daniel took Baby Daniel to get him checked out. He was diagnosed with a mild case of herpangina (a virus much like strep throat). It didn’t require meds. We just had to monitor the fever and come back only if there was vomiting or diarrhea. The fever broke after another day of being fussy and needy.
On Sunday, we took the boys to a pumpkin patch. We had them take a pony ride. They only lasted about a lap before they started crying. We took some pictures before heading to the petting zoo section. That wasn't too much of a hit either. Maybe next year they'll be ready.
On Monday we took the boys in for their 6 month wellness visit. They received another round of the vaccinations. The pediatrician said that we are now to introduce them to solids and sippy cups. Stay tuned for pictures of their first mouthfuls next week!
Recent stats: Anthony is 20.6 lbs. and 29 inches. Baby Daniel is 15.5 and 28 inches.
Babies R Us got another deposit from the Blas Family after the pediatrician appointment. Since we got the green light on solids, we had to buy high chairs and sippy cups. While at BRU we decided to get pictures taken.
P.S. Thank you Auntie Leah for saving the day with the Fever All!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

October 21, 2008 - Self Snoozin' With Bear Bear (Week 28)

Anthony has learned to fall asleep on his own! As soon as he exhibits signs of sleepiness, we put the pacifier in his mouth and lay him down with "bear bear" in the crook of his arm. He makes this weird string of sounds before he drifts off which is a blend of baby moans and jarbled kitty cat sounds. We have to get this on video!
On Saturday, we bought the boys their Halloween costumes. We decided not to dress them alike. Part of that decision was based on the fact that Anthony does not fit into the 6 month old costumes. Daniel will be a pea in a pod, and Anthony will be a lobster. Daddy Daniel also got a costume, but that is a secret for now. Stayed tuned for their pictures next week!
Besides costume shopping, we also spent some quality time with Susan that was quite overdue. We also went to the chapel to get the application for baby dedications. We will not be baptizing the boys. We will be having them dedicated. This means acknowledging God's sovereignty, not only over Daniel and Anthony, but also Mommy and Daddy. We will present them before a service and ask for grace and wisdom in carrying out our responsibilities as their parents. We will stand there also praying that our boys might one day grow up to make their own decision to love God.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

October 14, 2008 - Hauling Huggies (27 Weeks)

The boys turned 6 months this week! Time sure is flying by with these guys. On Thursday, we bought our first box of diapers. Because everyone was so good to us at the showers, it literally took us until now to buy a box.
The boys are quite amused by the sound of the popping cork noise we make. It tickles their funny bone and sets them off into a giggle fest. They are also gaining more control of their hands. They can both pull the pacifier out of their mouth, put it back in, throw it, and guide the bottle into the mouth.
What a difference a couple of weeks make! On week 24 they weren't ready for the exersaucer as you might remember. We went to Sam's Club on Saturday and on display they had the Graco Baby Einstein exersaucer . We put them in it, and they were quite happy...no tears :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October 6, 2008 - Prince Charming (26 Weeks)

This Friday was another fabulous one. My prince charming (a.k.a. Daniel) sent me flowers. No, there was no special occasion, which is what made them smell even sweeter. I know very well that I have a very special guy. He is not perfect but sure is a great husband and daddy. He brought the boys to school again. They hung out while mommy finished up lesson planning and making copies. Afterward, we headed out to our favorite watering hole to meet up with some of the East Whittier staff. We had a good turn out of Eagle staff, since it was our first payday of the year!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

September 30, 2008 - Helping Mommy! (25 Weeks)

Friday was a good day. It was Daddy Day Care Friday, and Daniel brought the boys to school to meet me for lunch. I got to eat lunch with all three of my guys at Pollo Loco. Being that I've been a bit behind in my grading, Daniel came to my classroom after school to help me get caught up. Granted, pampers had to be changed and we had to feed hungry babies, but it is amazing what a couple of hours can do for a gal. Although we left late, I was able to accomplish much and now had the weekend for my family and time to do things like this!
P.S. Anthony gave everyone A's!