Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 14, 2011 - Roller Coaster Riding Mama

I haven't been on a roller coaster in over 6 years. As fate would have it, a colleague needed me to substitute for her on the 8th grade field trip to Knotts Berry Farm. The opportunity to ride presented itself, and I grabbed that bull by the horns since I am temporarily confined to Camp Snoopy until the boys are a little older. The first ride I got on simply went in circles and made me so dizzy and nauseous that I had to close my eyes until the end. I got off thinking this was going to be one long day! That mentality quickly changed once I got on the first of 4 roller coasters. I rode each with my hands in the air, a smile on my face, and proclaiming the words, "I'm not old" with each twist, plunge, turn, and upside-down loop. Who would think this 42 year old still had it in her?

Smiling at launching - 82 mph in 2.3 seconds

June 13, 2011 - Apples for the Teacher and Classmates

Daniel was having his class party and Mommy ordered cake pops from Lorelei for the bunch.  Aren't they absolutely too cute to eat?

A closer look

Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12, 2011 - Classmate Party at MyGym

After a game of CandyLand, the four of us headed out to a party for Daniel's classmate at MyGym.
Note to self: This is a really fun, non-stress place to have a party!  The staff runs the show. They have both structured and unstructured play that is age-appropriate and fun.  Music is playing and the kids are climbing rock walls, tumbling on mats, rolling in padded barrels, swinging on monkey bars, listening to stories, jumping into a ball pool, and more.  The last half hour they sit down to eat and sing happy birthday. Short, sweet, and simple!

June 11, 2011 - Too Short for SpeedZone

After witnessing Mikey win the TBall championship, we headed over to SpeedZone. They are so obsessed with Cars right now; we thought this would be fun. Unfortunately for the boys, they were not tall enough to ride as passengers in the race cars. They were really disappointed, but we did our best to make lemonade out of lemons by watching the fast cars make the laps and by pretending with Daddy.

Monday, June 6, 2011

June 5, 2011 - First Yankees Game

We've taken the boys to 3 Mets games, but not a single Yankees game until today. Interesting considering they've been to Yankee Stadium yet not seen them play. Daniel's team was in town, and he made sure to get us tickets to see them play the Angels. What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! It was an exciting game with all the regulars: Jeter, A-Rod, & Posada. The icing on the cake was that the Yankees won!

June 4, 2011 - Haircuts and Happy Meals

A simple Saturday agenda: haircuts, Happy Meals, and monkeying around!

May 29, 2011 - Go Fly A Kite, Dad!

Memorial weekend proved to be a very relaxing one.  Nothing scheduled but lots of R&R with the family, and that was perfectly fine with me. Lots of vegging,  Sunday service, kite flying, and a BBQ with our neighbors.

Perfectly windy conditions allowed Daddy to bust out the Toy Story kite we bought in San Fran :)