Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June 28 - July 1st 2011 - Zoom! Faith in the Fast Lane

The boys were afforded a great opportunity this week to attend vacation bible school at Granada Heights Friends Church.  We were driving home from the boys' swim lesson @ Splash when we saw a VBS banner with the theme of CARS strategically placed to catch our eyes.  We returned with Daddy to sign them up.  So impressed were we with the church grounds thematically decked out with  checkered flags, speed signs,  cars and Mater and McQueen look alikes. The boys were so jazzed about going each day.  They participated in praise and worship, age appropriate daily Bible stories, coloring, crafts, and recreation time. On the last day their recreation time included water fun and a Cars bounce house.  Our home church is small and doesn't conduct a VBS.  I'm so grateful we were welcomed to attend this VBS despite not being members.  An added bonus is that it was free! ("Jesus paid the price" states their flyer).  Their VBS and church volunteers get a two thumbs up :)

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