Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 29, 2008 - Shake, Rattle, and Roll (16 Weeks)

California is a beautiful place as we all know, especially those of who have transplated from states that truly have a winter. What is not so beautiful are the earthquakes. Tuesday morning at 11:42 a.m. we had a 5.0. As long as I've been here, they still spook me a little. Thank goodness I was not home alone with the boys when it struck. We were all in the family room, and like most people, you never think it is an earthquake. I thought it was a loud truck rumbling by. When I realized it was an earthquake (it clicked when the ceiling made noise and the air conditioning vents started rattling), I covered Baby Daniel and Anthony with my body on the floor and Daniel jumped from his desk and covered us all. Baby Daniel was not as affected since he had been asleep in my arms when it happened. Anthony was awake and got startled by the quake and our quick movements. We are all okay and nothing was broken. It was definitely a reminder that beauty comes with a price.
On a happier note, my brother Brandon and his wife received news on Thursday that their December baby is a boy!!!! We are so happy for them. His name will be Gabriel. I sure do wish they lived closer. With the boys being so close in age, they could grow up together.
Did you know that Babies R Us sells these bottles that helps a gal out who has multiples? They sure do come in handy when Daniel is not home and they need to eat at the same time. I sure do wish I'd come up with that invention!

Monday, July 28, 2008

July 22, 2008 - 15 Weeks Old - Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

As many of you know, we are going back East next week to vacation and visit family. Therefore, this week we have been quite busy in preparation for the trip (obtaining mini-van quotes, securing a mini-van, time share accomodations, buying Mets game tickets, White House tours information, etc.). As much as I've traveled, you'd think planning would be a snap. However, it is a whole other ball game when traveling with twins and with the extensive itinerary we have planned. On our 14 day trip we plan to be in NY, New Jersey, Virginia, Georgia, and the final destination of Florida. The first leg of our trip will be spent in New Jersey with my brother and his wife. During our time there, we plan on taking the boys into the city to do some touristy stuff, see a Mets game on our anniversary, visit some of Daniel's family, my aunt and sister, and EAT some great NY foods. We will then be picking up our mini-van and heading south to Virginia where my aunt and uncle live. Being that they are close to D.C., we plan on taking the White House tour and visiting some of the monuments. I think that will be cool especially since it is an election year. Go Obama!!! Before we leave Virginia, we will be visiting with Daniel's brother. We then head down to Atlanta to visit my sister and my nieces and nephews. The last leg of our trip will bring us to our time share swap in Florida. My parents will finally get to meet the boys!
We've tried to plan and anticipate as much as possible, but we are realistic. We are traveling with infants, so we may not get to do all the things we've planned or see all those we wanted to see, but we sure will try our best. I guess we better make sure to pack patience and flexibility ;)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 15, 2008 - 14 Weeks Old

Well, it is official. Anthony is sleeping through the night!!! He will sleep at least 8 hours. Baby Daniel is still waking up, but it is only once usually around 3:30 a.m. In the arena of weight, Anthony is now weighing 15 lbs. and Baby Daniel is 13 1/2!
Parnell Park has free outdoor concerts on Thursdays. We took a stroll to the park, laid out a blanket, enjoyed the company of some friends, ate Lascari's food, and sang along to music of Rod Stewart. Well, I sang. Daniel wouldn't sing in public if you paid him ;)
On Saturday night, we walked up to the Whittwood Mall to shop. We are quite the site with our double stroller! People never fail to stop us to talk and peek at the boys. When we got home, Daniel put the boys on my chest to rock to sleep, and I witnessed what could be their twin speak for the first time. Anthony kept reaching out and touching Baby Daniel. He'd coo, babble, and make sounds. Then Baby Daniel would "answer" him and vice versa. I was speechless and couldn't even call out to Daniel in the fear that they would stop "talking." I have read about that, but had yet to see it. Is it idioglossia or is it the foundation of language? I don't know, but it was amazing to watch.

*** Thank you, Mrs. Wong, for the aquarium gym. The boys are loving it !
Random question of the day: Is it me or is it just plain crazy that Halloween costumes are out in July?

Monday, July 14, 2008

July 8, 2008 (13 Weeks Old / 3 Months) Their First Interview

Three months old may seem a little early to be looking into good pre-schools but it isn't. I was shocked to find out that some pre-schools have waiting lists of over two years! On Friday Daniel and I have an appointment to see a school called Broad Oaks that is located on Whittier College's campus. It comes highly recommended by two friends who had their kids there. The only negative thing I've heard is that tuition is expensive. We'll see.
We went to the school and had a great tour. The environment is very child centered and the staff is great. We are seriously considering the school. On a side note, I have to say the boys smelled and looked great for their "first interview."
My sister and brother-in-law were in San Diego on business (La Raza Conference) for a few days. She called and luckily our schedules permitted the opportunity for them to meet our boys!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 1, 2008 (12 Weeks Old)

The 4th of July weekend arrived, but we didn't have anything too exciting planned except going to Home Depot to take advantage of their sale. We decided to try and scratch some things off our house "to do" list since the holiday weekend would allow Daniel a break from work. He painted our bathroom a nice yellow, installed towel bars, and he assembled the BBQ grill! We broke in the grill on the 4th (with some t-bone steaks, asparagus, and corn) and shared a very low key night with our friend Rick and a few neighbors. We enjoyed BBQing so much that we barbequed again the following day! Maybe next year we'll check out a fireworks show when the boys can appreciate the colors! Speaking of the boys, they are starting to sleep longer at night. Anthony especially is sleeping 5 or 6 hours at a time. I think that glorious day of them sleeping until morning is right around the corner!!!!

The picture is of happy Baby Daniel at Home Depot :) The boys were so good as we shopped for everything from a BBQ grill to lightbulbs.