Thursday, November 27, 2008

November 25, 2008 - I'm A Big Boy Now (33 Weeks)

Our sweet Anthony no longer fits in the infant carrier. He has maxed out the weight and height limitations. So, now he has officially moved into the toddler car seat. Needless to say, this makes going out with them alone a little harder since you have to carry Anthony in one arm and Daniel's carrier in the other. Transferring them from the carrier to the double stroller usded to be easy breezy. Sleeping boys were undisturbed in the transfer. Now, if Anthony knocks out, he is woken up when we reach the desired destination.
The picture is of Baby Daniel shopping with mommy at Target. He was a good sport with the antlers...for a little while.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 18, 2008 - The $700 Cup of Coffee (32 Weeks)

Is there such a thing? I can assure you that it does! My Starbucks runs before going in to work are pretty much non-existent since the arrival of the boys. Standing on line for a grande sugar-free vanilla caramel macchiato extra hot upside down has become a thing of the past unless it is on the weekend. My mornings are now spent getting ready for work, feeding Anthony, checking email while watching Sponge Bob Square Pants with Anthony, and making sure the boys’ bottles and formula containers are ready for the day. What does a practical gal with a busy a.m. schedule do in this situation? She makes her own cup of expresso and takes it to work. I left my travel mug at work and took my java in a regular mug. BIG MISTAKE!!! The coffee spilled onto the gear section in Daniel’s Mercedes. In my RAV4 this is not tragic. In a Mercedes it apparently is a big deal. I luckily got to work. We had it towed to our repair shop and found out that the coffee was the culprit. Some control panel was under there and burned it out. So, yes, there is a $700 cup of coffee. Doesn’t this story make that $3.45 price of a grande coffee not seem so expensive?
On a happier note, our boys are doing great. They continue to be amused by the joy of rolling over and bringing their feet to their faces (and sometimes mouth!). We visited Gymboree this week to check out their prices and to observe part of a class. We are toying with the idea of enrolling the boys in the class they have for 6-10 month olds. What I’m really interested in is the baby sign class “coming soon.”

Thursday, November 13, 2008

November 11, 2008 - A Whole Lot of Nothing (31 Weeks)

We enjoyed a nice, long weekend. We didn't do anything exciting. We simply spent it running all over town with the boys crossing lots of things off the to do list.
The boys are just loving the fact that they can roll onto their tummies. They alternate between propping themselves up and extending their arms to their sides looking like airplanes. Frustration does set in for them after a while since they haven't figured out how to crawl, but they sure are fun to watch!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

First Bites

Thursday, November 6, 2008

November 4, 2008 - The Body is a Wonderland (30 Weeks)

We had the pleasure of having my aunt and uncle visiting from Virginia. They were here to conduct software training, but they tagged on a few extra days to their trip so they could spend time with us. I guess I never realize how much I miss having family around until people visit and have to leave.
Halloween was a bust. The plan was for Daniel to bring them to school so everyone could see them in costume. The boys didn't want to wear their costumes that Daniel tried so hard to get on them. Baby Daniel was a bit more cooperative than Anthony. The plan was abandoned and the family plus my aunt and uncle settled for eating dinner at our favorite Puerto Rican restaurant. We tried again on Sunday to put them into their costumes, and they were good sports for a little while. Maybe next year will be a little more fun for them.
This week the boys rolled! They sure do have the hang of it.They also discovered their fingers. They used to get fixated on their hands. Now they've realized that their fingers move, and they roll them from pinky to thumb. The boys are eating single grain cereal. Anthony isn't a big fan of it, but Daniel has taken to it. We also introduced them to the sippy cup. They are not drinking from it, but they are learning to grip it.