Saturday, September 6, 2008

September 2, 2008 - The Nanny (21 Weeks)

We are very fortunate to have acquired our nanny Josefina. She was the nanny for my friend’s twins. Janette will now be staying home with her children so she arranged for us to talk with Josefina. We liked her very much and have hired her to stay with our boys three days a week (Tuesday-Thursday). Daniel will stay home with them on Monday and Friday, and I will be with them on the weekend. This schedule allows minimum day care and maximum bonding while generating income. Hopefully we can stick to this schedule.
This week was hard for me. I had to return to work on Tuesday and Wednesday for teacher training days which meant leaving the boys for the first time. I kissed them both with tears streaming down my face. I then kissed Daniel and left before completing falling apart. I called my mom once in the car and cried to her. She calmed me down and I made my way to the meeting after getting myself composed. My mantra was, “Try not to talk about them and you’ll get through today.” One of my friends who already walked these steps years ago knew how hard this first day back would be for me. What he said to me I will forever remember. He said, “It doesn’t get any easier. It gets better.” It got me through the day. Thank you, Kenny!!! When I got home, I saw they were fine and not traumatized as I thought they would be. I guess the only traumatized person was me.
I worked in my classroom on Thursday, and Daniel helped me with my classroom on Friday. We didn’t get too much accomplished since the boys were with us, but that’s life.
A big thanks to Pat Eyestone from the district office. She gave us two high chairs, two car seats, and some toys compliments of her son who also has twins (girls). What a blessing!


Anonymous said...


Josefina sounds like a blessing for you all. I know how hard it is to go back to work with little ones at home, but who knows what the future will bring - and they are in good hands for now. Plus, daddy will be with them Mon/Fri.

How's the new school year treating you? As sad as it is to leave the boys, I know you've missed your other kids as well.


Liz P said...

Kenny gave you such great advice! I'm glad you are settling into a new schedule with your family. Keep us in touch, we love seeing pictures!