Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 16, 2008 - Discovery Zone (23 Weeks)

The boys have been doing the funniest things lately. They are definitely obsessed with their hands. Now Daniel does the whole intense staring at the fist and index finger. They both have discovered that their hands can clasp together. Daniel especially is amused by this and will bring his hands together and stare intensely. Then he will quickly bring them toward his mouth and shove them in. This is followed by laughing. Speaking of laughing, they seem to find sneezing quite amusing. They sneeze, and you can count on a giggle to follow. Anthony has taken to putting several fingers into his mouth at one time. Since Daniel has now found his voice, you can hear the boys' symphony of sounds filing the house. The last thing that has developed this week is Anthony's discovery of his tongue. He now likes to stick it out and looks like a turtle when he does.
This week was pretty quiet. Sunday was Daniel's birthday, and he wanted it to be low key. We had a little BBQ with our two neighbors and our friend Chris. Since he was working Sunday, we celebrated Saturday night. On the actual 46th birthday, we had breakfast as a family at Carrows before he left to show property.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lin! You look like such a proud mama! The boys are beyond cute... Turtle, indeed!
