Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21, 2009 - King of Kaiser - (67 Weeks)

Baby Daniel has been teething. Aiyaiyai!!! As my faithful blog followers know, his normal modus operandi is to run a fever of over 102 until the tooth breaks through the gum. Well, the TEETH (one on each side of his upper gums)broke through but his fever continued. It was the scary kind of fever that has hands, feet, and chest feeling like they are on fuego. No amount of Fever All or tepid baths would bring it down, so it was off to Kaiser Permanente Sunday afternoon. Big Daniel was showing property and so not to worry him, Martha joined me to provide an extra pair of hands. Thankfully it was just a viral infection, which is supposedly quite common at the toddler stage. I was also at Kaiser on Friday morning for an HSG (a follow up to my procedure in April). Let's just say that was a far cry from a pleasant experience.
Twin Update: Both boys have 2 new upper teeth. They are quite capable of sliding off our bed like GI Joe to the floor. Daniel no longer has "sea legs." He can keep up with Anthony in his walking all over the house. They have fun opening their drawers and pulling out the clothes mommy has neatly folded. They have discovered that beneath the toilet cover there is water. Speaking of water, they find that Lucky's water bowl is fun to splash when mommy isn't looking. Poor Lucky now can only drink water when the boys are in their high chairs since the bowl is no longer on the floor. This is not promoting love for them. Maybe this is balanced by the fact that they toss food down to her from their high chairs.


Anonymous said...

~{{This is not promoting love for them. Maybe this is balanced by the fact that they toss food down to her from their high chairs. }}~

Ha haaaaaaa! Poor Luckster! What a trooper she's been this last year +, suddenly sharing the spotlight after years of being Mama's one and only.

Liz P said...

i know exactly how you feel!!! I went to Kaiser 3 times in one day... I felt dumb because each time we walked through the door his fever would drop down to normal temp... I felt like camping out in the parking lot. lol