Wednesday, August 27, 2008

August 5, 2008 - Packing, Packing, Packing (17 Weeks)

Not much to report for this week except that packing for this trip was insane. I never really realized all the things we use on a daily basis with the boys (lotions, powder, clothes, burp cloths, wash cloths, bottles, bottle brush, bottle inserts, lullaby cd, room monitor, diapers, wipes, etc.) We tried thinking things through so the trip would be as comfortable for them as possible. It sure was hard keeping their suitcase under 50 lbs. For those of you who haven't traveled in a while, know that the airlines are now nickel and diming passengers for everything. We limited our luggage to two suitcases, two car seats, two car seat bases, a double stroller, and 2 diaper bags.
Anthony has a fascination with his left fist. He clenches it and just stares intently at it. He also will extend his index finger and stare at it just as much. It almost looks as if he is scolding someone. Daniel and Anthony are both very happy babies! I just love the way they laugh out loud, giggle, and squeal when we tickle them.

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