Saturday, November 24, 2012

November 24, 2012 - Where Do I Begin???

For the most part, I've been pretty good about keeping up on my blog.  I stay motivated because I know that the cliche time flies is true!  Our boys will be grown in the blink of an eye.  My memory will falter but the pictures will tell the stories, and I will look back and thank God for taking the time to do this.
With that said, I'm trying to pin point exactly when the breakdown began; I guess it started with our trip to Florida.  The return date did not allow me any down time before school began.  Classroom setup was the very next day :/What can be viewed as poor planning was my best effort to get affordable tickets.  C'est la vie.
So, here I am MONTHS behind on capturing life.  This is not to say life hasn't been "captured." It has....just not into words on this blog. I promised myself that during this 9 day Thanksgiving vacation, I would engage in a blog bonanza.  I am on Day 7 and am NOW starting.  Better late than never!
~Fasten your seatbelts as we flashback to August.~

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