Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8, 2009 - It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas ( 87 Weeks)

Daniel began the task of getting the Christmas decorations out of the garage. He got everything organized and off to work he went. He got the lights up around the house and positioned all the inflatable characters on the lawn. Our 7ft. Santa is accompanied by Dora the Explorer, Tigger, and Mickey Mouse. By the palm tree are three reindeer and another Santa. Danno did a good job. I couldn't wait for the boys to see the fruits of Dad's labor. Unfortunately for them, Mr. Sandman got to them before Santa. Tomorrow is another day!
Anthony,our bull, who never gets sick suffered from a sore throat this week. He became inconsable on Sunday night, so much so that we got worried enough to take him to Emergency. Since Little Daniel was asleep, I stayed with him and Daniel took Anthony. He is now fine.


Ms. Sanchez said...

cute pics!

Liz P said...

it's amazing how quickly they get sick from one minute to the next... it's as crazy as our rain season!