Saturday, April 5, 2008

They are almost here!

It is hard to believe, but we are quickly approaching the finish line. On Thursday, we had our visit with the perinatologist, Dr. Lien. She suggested an amniocentesis for Monday morning (4/7/08) to check for lung maturity. She has some concerns of cord prolapse and my uterus being quite big. If the boys' lungs are mature, which I hope they are since I will be 37 weeks at that point, the c-section will be performed shortly thereafter. It is amazing to think we could be parents on Monday morning!!! If the lungs are not mature, the c-section will be performed on 4/16/08. In any case, they will be here soon God willing. We are making sure to get as much sleep this weekend as possible since that will be something we won't have much of soon. Please keep all four of us in your thoughts and prayers that all goes well.

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