Other than the ridiculously cold weather, today was a 5 star day! It began with inheriting this beautiful dining table from our photographer who was graciously giving it away for
free on Facebook "to a good home." Two times lucky with her (the first time, for winning the family photo shoot). Timing is everything, right? I saw her post first, and just like that, we have a square table that is a much better fit in our dining room.
Lucky us :) |
After the lucky win, we took off to celebrate Cora's 3rd birthday party at Pump It Up in Anaheim Hills. A couple of hours of jumping with friends + birthday cake, ice cream, and pizza = a guaranteed recipe for toddler slumber. Knowing this, Leah and I decided to see Gangster Squad after she helped us get the table to its new home. The movie was a definite two thumbs up!
P.S. Baby, It's Cold Outside! I couldn't believe my ears tonight. The weather man announced it was colder in Los Angeles than Manhattan. Manhattan in January??? I wanted to run to the window to see if pigs were flying, but that would have entailed leaving my warm bed.