It was the last few days of the Tombs and Warriors exhibit at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. We'd tried to go last month, but the line was wrapped around the museum. I decided I was going to put on the big girl panties and see it today regardless if the line mirrored a ride at Disneyland. The line was exactly what I'd expected, but the boys entertained themselves running on the grass and skimming Dr. Seuss books for most of the time. An hour and a half later, we reached the entrance to find out we were appointed the 3 p.m. slot, since they can only accommodate 250 people an hour. I was so thrilled (insert sarcasm) considering we'd been there since 10:30 a.m. It was decision time. Stay or go? The gorgeous day was beckoning the beach, but the gal who begins her Ancient China unit this week dutifully stayed. The plan to go the beach afterward was being pushed waaaay back. Worth it? The jury is still out.

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