Saturday, April 2, 2011

March 22, 2011 - Late Night at the "Office"

Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day to get all my school work done.  What does a gal do?  She has her hubby bring their kiddies to "mommy's pink cwassroom."  ~A win-win for everyone!~


Anonymous said...

They don't know how lucky they are! I used to *love* being in the classroom after-hours, playing with the chalkboard, etc. (but then you know what a dork I was and still am).

Fun! said...

I love my dorky friend :) Yeah, they love writing on my whiteboard (no chalkboard), coloring, "reading" books, or playing games on the computer. This week they watched 101 Dalmations since I have that on VHS in my classroom closet.