Easter Sunday's rain didn't permit us to do the egg hunt we'd planned. The boys just had to "settle" for a nice Easter breakfast, making cupcakes, and enjoying their baskets.
Those poor blue peeps got decapitated by Daniel :(
Thursday, April 28, 2011
April 23, 2011- Easter Egg Hunt

At exactly 10:15 all the children were set free to grab all the candy they could. Anthony jumped right in there, but Daniel got somewhat spooked by the running and amount of people. He had to be coaxed and pleaded with to participate. With Mommy and Daddy's help, he finally got the hang of scooping up a candy and putting it in the baseball basket. The hunt was short and sweet.
April 18, 2011 - Spring Break Week
The vacation flew by as it always does. We didn't get to do all I'd hoped because the weather gods chose to give us an atypical week (translation: not sunny & warm). Nonetheless, the boys enjoyed some time with Sherri's horses, went to the Children's Museum, took their birthday portraits, cooked and colored, and watched movies in bed with Mama. They also participated in 2 Easter egg hunts! Whale watching, the movie theatre, and the library didn't happen, but summer is just around the corner!

April 18, 2011 - Chuck E. Cheese for the 1st Time

Saturday, April 16, 2011
April 15, 2011 - Let the Fun Begin!
I am now officially on Spring Break! How else should a sweet vacation begin but with a trip to Baskin Robbins.
April 11, 2011 - Daniel's First Day

Daniel began school today! It was a tough day for me emotionally. I put on the big girl panties, held my chin up, and took a deep breath knowing that this was going to be good for him. I thought he'd cry as the three of us left him at the pre-school, but thankfully he didn't because that would have broken my heart. He was greeted by his teachers at the meeting place and was taken over to the other children to meet them. He mingled right in and dutifully held on to his ring and walked away. Behind crying eyes I took these photos of our big boy. He waved goodbye to us, and it was over just like that. His teacher called me later to tell me how his first day went, how well he did, and that we had a very sweet boy. What a relief! I guess he handled Day One better than Mommy did!
April 9, 2011 - Happy 3rd Birthday Boys!

The weather wound up being absolutely fabulous for the boys' Toy Story themed birthday party! I had foolishly worshipped the worry god for several days believing the weather man that there would be rain on their special day. It was a wonderful sunny day! The boys were surrounded by so many people who loved them, and it was really humbling to see. Hard to admit, but true nonetheless, I stressed a bit over this party for 3 year olds. I guess because I am no Martha Stewart when it comes to throwing parties. My friend Leah put it all in perspective when she told me shortly after the party started , "Your boys are having fun. That makes it all worth it!" Another thing I will remember about this day was that Daniel slept through a good portion of his party. He got tuckered out and went to sleep. The time came for pin-the-tail on Bullseye, cake cutting, & pinata bashing, and he could not be awoken despite Daddy's best efforts. Oh, well! I'm learning to accept that the pictures taken in my mind are not always the ones that are actually captured on film. We did sing "Happy Birthday" the following night to our sleepy head and watched him blow out his Buzz Lightyear candle. Happy birthday Daniel and Anthony! We love you!!!!
P.S. Thank you Daddy Daniel for doing such a great job with getting our backyard party worthy :)
March 30, 2011 - The Results Are In!
Today Daniel and I met with personnel at WACSEP to review the results of the boys testing and discuss services for them. It was determined that Daniel will need to have two days of intensive speech and language support. The support will be given in a classroom environment with 11 other kiddies. Anthony did not qualify for that. He will participate in a 45 minute support class (FLAG) with either Daniel or me and six other kiddies and their parents once a week. I am extremely grateful that there are early intervention services available to ensure the boys' success.
On a selfish note: In my mind's eye, I envisioned both the boys going off to class together. It breaks my heart to separate them at this stage and send off Daniel to class without his brother. I know I have to put the big girl panties on and remind myself that this is what is best for Daniel, but it brings tears to my eyes nonetheless.
On a selfish note: In my mind's eye, I envisioned both the boys going off to class together. It breaks my heart to separate them at this stage and send off Daniel to class without his brother. I know I have to put the big girl panties on and remind myself that this is what is best for Daniel, but it brings tears to my eyes nonetheless.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
March 28, 2011 - 10:23 and an EKG!
I wouldn't have guessed as I stood in line at Starbucks today that a couple of hours later I'd be in emergency. While attempting to pre-teach a lesson on forms of government in Ancient Greece, I found myself having difficulty breathing. Knowing something was wrong, my eyes filled with tears. I called the school health clerk and before you knew it emt's were checking me, administering oxygen and nitroglycerin, and transporting me to Presbyterian.
Blood tests were run and EKG's done.
Dear husband arrived with both of our sons.
Blood pressure must rise or admit you we will.
Sweet twin mamma you must learn to chill.

Anthony and Daniel were clearly confused and scared by seeing me hooked up to the heart monitor. Anthony brought tears to my eyes when he said, "Mamma kay?" I had to sign "fine" because the words got stuck in my throat. His curious self climbed up on my bed and said, "Nene scared." He laid his precious head on my chest. I explained the monitors were just to check mama's heart. Once I let him touch the gadgets attached to me he said, "Nene not scared." That moment will forever be emblazed in my memory. My sweet Daniel, a little man of few words, but equally scared, kept a bit of a distance at first. Eventually he was on the bed, too! He entertained himself climbing the guard rails.
The situation begs the question: When exactly is doing too much DOING TOO MUCH? Anxiety attacks are the body's circuit breaker saying you ARE doing too much. Today's lesson: Stop, decide importance, delete, delegate, and JUST BREATHE!
Blood tests were run and EKG's done.
Dear husband arrived with both of our sons.
Blood pressure must rise or admit you we will.
Sweet twin mamma you must learn to chill.

Anthony and Daniel were clearly confused and scared by seeing me hooked up to the heart monitor. Anthony brought tears to my eyes when he said, "Mamma kay?" I had to sign "fine" because the words got stuck in my throat. His curious self climbed up on my bed and said, "Nene scared." He laid his precious head on my chest. I explained the monitors were just to check mama's heart. Once I let him touch the gadgets attached to me he said, "Nene not scared." That moment will forever be emblazed in my memory. My sweet Daniel, a little man of few words, but equally scared, kept a bit of a distance at first. Eventually he was on the bed, too! He entertained himself climbing the guard rails.
The situation begs the question: When exactly is doing too much DOING TOO MUCH? Anxiety attacks are the body's circuit breaker saying you ARE doing too much. Today's lesson: Stop, decide importance, delete, delegate, and JUST BREATHE!
March 27, 2011 - Daniel's Backyard Project
March 22, 2011 - Late Night at the "Office"
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