I found out that Dora the Explorer was making an appearance at the Los Angeles Zoo, so needless to say, going to the zoo was Saturday's plan. I call my awesome friend, Leah, to come with since I know she is always game for anything fun for the kids. We arrived early to beat the lines to find out that we were hoodwinked! This imitation Dora was nothing more than a gal dressed in a pink shirt with orange shorts and the famous backpack. What a letdown! My kids are thankfully too young to get it, but Leah's Mikey caught on quickly that this was not the girl he had just seen in the video on the drive over. We made lemonade out of lemons, only possible since we are both sweet :)
P.S. Brandy, you can get us coffee when the school year starts as a thank you for the heads up and saving you the drive ;)
Ha haaaa! Little Daniel SO has it figured out that Dora is an imposter! Look at that suspicious gaze on his mug!
She wasn't fooling him. She definitely was not the girl in the video he had just watched in the car.
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