Auntie Leah and Cousins Mikey and Lelani came over on Saturday to make rainbow cupcakes. Although the idea was cute, do not delude yourself to think this was your easy breezy pour-your-batter-into-cupcake-holders kind of recipe. It required dividing the batter into equal portions and adding food color to each bowl to get ROYGBV. Then you muster up your patience and layer the cupcake holders with
each color of the rainbow. Not as easy as it may sound with 2 almost two year olds, a four year old, three year old, and a dog. After having our Starbucks, Leah being Leah took charge and got the Herculean task started. She started layering, and I followed with the next layer while simultaneously holding a twin and giving out banana chunks. My quick Anthony swiped the blue bowl from the counter and started eating the batter that was apparently tasty from the big "MMMMM" he let out. Anthony proceeded to cover himself in the batter. Normal parents would be horrified by the mess before them, but Auntie Leah and I got our cameras and took pictures. The mess was already there, what was another couple of minutes? The cup cakes did not turn out like the picture perfect ones shown on the website. They did not have the color blue and looked more tie dye than rainbow, but they were yummy. The boys had their first play date, and I had a mommy date with my social butterfly friend, Leah.
Twin Stuff: Little Daniel in his sleep clearly said "Yeah, yes, yeah." To make sure
I wasn't dreaming, I had to ask Daniel if he had heard it too. Daddy had also heard him :) This was huge for us because he doesn't seem to say as many words as Anthony. It is probably no big deal. I'm not comparing;I just notice a distinct difference in vocabulary size.
WOW! cupcakes seems like such a great idea! Even though it seemed like hard work, the cupcakes looked real yummie!
awwwww ;-)
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