This week our family definitely experienced a scare. Little Daniel had a fever that sky rocketed to 104.3! Sunday night he developed a slight fever but nothing that Fever All didn't bring down. He awoke on Monday with no fever, so I confidently went to work. He had been fine with Daddy Daniel all morning until about noon when his fever came on again. Daniel gave him Tylenol, and he appeared fine, just warm and a little sluggish. He didn't give me his normal gleeful, high-pitched welcome-home-from-work scream. I coaxed him over to me, and he came over ever so slowly from resting on Daddy. I remember thinking he felt warm, but it was probably just body heat from resting on Daddy's chest. Then I felt his feet, and he seemed to be burning up. Out of nowhere he started going into seizures in my arms. His eyes rolled skyward to the right. Daniel dialed "911," and I tried to cool his body down with cool water. The dispatcher told us to remove all clothing including his pamper. Thankfully, the fire station is around the corner, and they were here quickly. They assessed him, took vitals, and gave him oxygen. We were expeditiously taken to Presbyterian Hospital where they treated us so well. Daniel followed behind with Anthony after gathering the backpack essentials we'd need like bottles, warm clothing for them, toys, etc. since it was sure to be a long night. Baby Daniel underwent much from xrays, multiple rectal temperature checks, IV insertion, blood draws, air treatment,a steroid shot, to the worst: catherization. When all was said and done, we were told all lab work came back fine. He had experienced febrile seizures (something I had as a child) because of a high fever and were told this type of seizure is common for kids under 7 years. We were released around 9:30 p.m. after his fever had gone down and he was stable.
It is strange how in moments of chaos one finds clarity of thought. I remember thinking, "Lucky will need to go pee before we leave." I remember hearing Daniel unlock the front door for the emergency personnel to get in. I remember praying. I remember reminding Daniel to bring jackets before they closed the ambulance doors on us. I remember hearing the siren and the ambulance honking at the 5 o'clock hour people to make way for us. I remember thinking that I needed to call one of my peers with substitute plans. I remember being more scared than I'd ever been in my life. But most of all, I remember the awesome people who came to our aid when we most needed them. I thank God our little one waited until I got home from work because I can't imagine Daniel or I going through that
alone. Thank you dear friends and family who called us at the hospital, took my sub plans over the phone,sent love and prayers our way, and helped me remain calm. Your love and support was very much appreciated. A special thank you to Vicky M., who saw the ambulance and fire engines in front of our house on the way home from work, and stopped to ask Daniel if we needed anything. Thank you for also for coming to the hospital and checking in on us. Thank you, Leah, for
answering the phone and checking that we locked the door to our house. Love you, mama!
The camera phone picture was taken by the kind fireman who was trying to distract Daniel from all that was going on in the ambulance.
1 comment:
I'm soo glad to hear everything turned out good!!! With thanksgiving coming around, events that turn out for the better remind me to count my blessings... you guys have been in our prayers...
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