Saturday, June 20, 2009

June 16, 2009 - Abuela's Visit ( 62 Weeks)

Abuela Angelina came to visit for the weekend. We didn't do anything exciting, but it was a chance for her spend some time with the boys before she goes to New York for a month. She got a real kick out of seeing them walking around.
Monday was weigh in day for the Biggest Loser competition at work. I lost 19.4 lbs and came in 5th. That isn't bad out of 23 players, huh? I lost 3rd place by .05%.
The school year will thankfully be over on Thursday. Just a few more days to plow through is my mantra! Daniel and the boys helped me take care of end-of-the-year classroom take down. I can't say the boys helped much, but they sure had a great time running around my classroom.

1 comment:

Liz P said...

wow, look at them go!