A good samaritan exists somewhere in La Habra. I went to the market on Tuesday and somehow left my wallet in the shopping cart after strapping Anthony into the carseat. My sixth sense told me I’d lost it once I pulled up in front of the house. After frantically searching the car like a DEA agent and then having Daniel recheck, I made the calls to close all active accounts. A tip I took from Suzy Orman (making a photocopy of all cards in my wallet front and back) made cancelling everything easy since the account numbers and toll-free numbers were all on one paper. I wasn’t worried about charges since everything was cancelled pretty quickly. What I was really bummed about was the inconvenience of having to replace my license and losing my pretty pink wallet that I’d bought myself for my 40th birthday. It turns out that a good samaritan, named Elizabeth, turned in my wallet to the store manager. I picked up my wallet the following day to find everything inside (stamps, Starbucks card, credit cards, etc.) The manager gave me her number. I immediately called wanted to offer a token of appreciation with a gift card to the market, but she did not return my call. I guess doing the right thing was reward enough for her.
As for the weekend, we spent it indoors cleaning, rearranging furniture, running errands, visiting Toys R Us, and sorting through the boys' clothes. The latter seems a monthly task since they are growing so fast. In between the many tasks of the weekend, Anthony decided to show us that he can take more than two wobbly steps. He caught our eye when we least expected it several times. He takes two steps, gains confidence, and then takes off quickly with about 2 or 3 more before falling face first. We are sure it won't be long before Daniel shares his steps with us!
We decided that once school is out, the boys will be sleeping in their own beds. The family bed will return to being mommy and daddy's bed (we hope!) We took the first step by having Daniel convert Anthony's crib into a toddler bed. The fear of the boys falling out scares me, so we are going to have to put pillows down on the floor.
wow, the boys are growing up into toddler beds!
Great idea from Suzy Orman, I would have been going crazy trying to remember which credit cards I was carrying.
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