Two weeks went by way too fast! My mom left on Wednesday and it really made me sad. On the way to the airport, Daniel brought her by my classroom to say goodbye again. I was glad that she got to see my classroom and meet some of my students.
Later that day, we took the boys to their one year wellness visit; it did not go well. Anthony, who had been fine all day, starting projectile vomiting while waiting for the doctor. Daniel was the unfortunate person who was holding him. The doctor moved us to another exam room, and again he started. Dr. Castillo decided it was best to reschedule the boys to see her next week for their shots. The domino effect went into play and Daddy Daniel got sick Thursday night followed by Baby Daniel on Saturday. Baby Daniel’s fever got so high (101.5) on Sunday that we had to take him to urgent care. He is on penicillin for what may be strep throat. We are waiting for throat culture results. Aiyaiyai!!!
I’d been hearing the sound of muffled running water in the boys’ room for days. I dismissed it. Finally, on Friday I had Daniel check. It turns out we had a pipe burst under the house. It was filling up under the house and warped a section of the hardwood floor in the boys’ room. We had to call a plumber at that hour. Luckily, we have someone, and he was willing to take this late emergency call. Since I didn’t know if he would be able to fix it, I was frantically bathing both babies, doing dishes, and getting ready to collect water in the tub in the event that we’d be without water until the next day. The pipe was replaced thank goodness without disruption of service.
On a positive note, we are doing the Biggest Loser at work. We have 24 people committed to losing weight. The winner stands to win quite a bit of money on June 15, 2009. I am quite motivated, but I am more than likely not going to win. I am okay with that! It is just nice to get a jump start to losing weight before summer and doing so with my friends. Misery loves company???
One great thing that happened this weekend is that my friend from work, Marie, came over to help Daniel set up my stationary bike. She also stayed to set up my WiiFit. Thank you, Marie, for your part in the creation of my future svelte and healthy body.
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