On Thursday, Daniel and I had Valentine’s Day pictures taken of the boys. I know. It is not as if we don’t have enough pictures of these cutie patooties. However, it is, after all, their first Valentine’s Day!!! Aren't they the cutest cherubs?
Anthony surprised me Saturday morning with a tooth! I was sitting at the computer with him on my lap while checking email. He was gnawing on my finger when I felt a bumpy ridge on his lower gums. I searched his gums frantically and lo and behold there it was. There had been no drama, no fever, no crying or neediness, as was the case with Daniel. Grandpa Gilster, who has been asking weekly if there is any sign of a tooth, was glad to hear the news. Teary- eyed me hugged him and kissed him all over. Later, the boys and I found our way to Babies ‘R Us while Daddy was showing property. BRU is like Costco; it is practically impossible to leave without dropping a chunk of change each time.
Twin News: Anthony can get to his feet using furniture and people. His crawling has also picked up speed. Daniel is content rolling to his desired destinations.
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