Friday was my last day of work. Like my students, I was quite ready for Christmas break to get here. These kiddos covered my desk with Christmas gifts. In a year that has been so tough on so many families, I was definitely humbled by the thoughtfulness of their parents.
Daniel found out about a blood drive at the Staples Center being held on December 22nd. If you donated a pint of blood, they would thank you with two free tickets to pre-selected Clipper games. Luckily for Daniel, two of the games are against the Nets and the Knicks. Needless to say, we packed up the boys and went downtown to donate. After the donation, we kicked back at a Starbucks for a bit.
Latest developments of the boys:
They both have taken to the jumpers that my friend loaned us. They also have become quite the eaters of Gerbers' squash, apple sauce, carrots, green beans, bananas, etc. alone or mixed in with their cereal. They are fascinated with Lucky. They'll call out to her and giggle when she follows us, but she won't give them the time of day. I sure hope she comes around soon.
Anthony loves to pull my face to him, squeeze my face, and proceed to suck on my cheeks (a trick he is showing his brother).
Daniel has slept through the night 3 nights in a row. Maybe he is done with the once a night feeding. He had buds sprouting up, but now they are actually little teeth that have risen quite a bit.
1 comment:
You guys are too much!
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