Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 29, 2008 - Shake, Rattle, and Roll (16 Weeks)

California is a beautiful place as we all know, especially those of who have transplated from states that truly have a winter. What is not so beautiful are the earthquakes. Tuesday morning at 11:42 a.m. we had a 5.0. As long as I've been here, they still spook me a little. Thank goodness I was not home alone with the boys when it struck. We were all in the family room, and like most people, you never think it is an earthquake. I thought it was a loud truck rumbling by. When I realized it was an earthquake (it clicked when the ceiling made noise and the air conditioning vents started rattling), I covered Baby Daniel and Anthony with my body on the floor and Daniel jumped from his desk and covered us all. Baby Daniel was not as affected since he had been asleep in my arms when it happened. Anthony was awake and got startled by the quake and our quick movements. We are all okay and nothing was broken. It was definitely a reminder that beauty comes with a price.
On a happier note, my brother Brandon and his wife received news on Thursday that their December baby is a boy!!!! We are so happy for them. His name will be Gabriel. I sure do wish they lived closer. With the boys being so close in age, they could grow up together.
Did you know that Babies R Us sells these bottles that helps a gal out who has multiples? They sure do come in handy when Daniel is not home and they need to eat at the same time. I sure do wish I'd come up with that invention!

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