Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24, 2008 - Reflection (11 Weeks Old)

It is hard to believe, but we are slowly approaching the three month mark with the boys in our lives. After feeding the boys and laying them down for a nap today, I sat looking at them and thought to myself, "We are really blessed!" I have to say double baby management is one of the hardest (if not THE hardest) thing Daniel and I have ever had to learn to do, but we wouldn't ask for our pre-twin life back if we could. I read in a book that raising multiples is the extreme sport of parenting. There are definitely days when the boys prove that statement to ring very true.

Daniel and Anthony are reaching each developmental milestone and passing with flying colors. They are gripping our fingers, staring intently, kicking , blowing bubbles, holding their heads up, smiling, cooing, cycling arms and legs, sucking their fingers and hands, and they recognize our voices. They may be twins, but they definitely each have their own personalities since their days in the womb. Here is what we've noticed to date:

Daniel: Loves being in the swing, self soothes well, much more independent, not a big eater and drinks slowly, exhibits a gentle, calm personality, patient, and has a beautiful smile that warms the heart.

Anthony: Loves being in the sling, not a self-soother yet, needs mommy much more, has a great appetite and drinks fast, (he'd win a formula drinking contest hands down!), exhibits a feisty personality, a bit impatient, colicky, and has a beautiful smile that warms the heart like his brother.


Anonymous said...

The site looks great. The boys look amazing. Wow a couple more cousins to add to the list. Guess what? I think after I graduate I'm going to make it part of my senior trip to come out and spend sometime in Cali with you and go a little sightseeing. I am going to New York first (you know I love that place) and Cali next. I can't wait. Well I love the site it looks wonderful and I love to read about my cousins. I hope you and Uncle Daniel are doing well as I can read you are. And I hope to spend some time out there.

P.s. I like the way you incorporate you pictures into text. Looks very professional and gives a kind of web feel to it.

Liz P said...

Wow, they look much bigger in this post then they did in the others. They are really growing up fast!