The life and times of the Blas clan is chronicled here by Mama Blas :)
Monday, April 7, 2008
To Be or Not to Be...That is the question!
Today was an interesting day. We had hoped we'd be parents by 12 p.m. but such was not the case. We had to be in at 8 a.m. for an amniocentesis. That test, which if you don't know, requires that a very long needle be inserted into the belly and then the uterus. The docs put a local anesthetic on your belly, but you still feel the pinch of it going in and the extracting of fluid. The preliminary results take about an hour. We waited only to find out that the lungs were still immature. We were told not to be totally discouraged because the intial test can produce a false negative. They sent a second sample to U.C.I. which has more sophisticated equipment and where a more in depth testing is performed. Their evaluation of the liquid would take about 4 to 5 hours. The doctor called us at 8:06 p.m. to tell me I'd "be a mommy tomorrow of two boys." The results came back high in some substance which meant the lungs were mature. So, I am scheduled for a c-section tomorrow at 11 a.m. Tonight is our last night as a family of two!
Wow that sounds exciting! Crazy! Hope everything goes really well. This blog looks great I have sen some really lame ones. This one is very sophisticated and neat. I will be here very often. I can't wait for an addition to the family. Two more cosusins to add to the list. lol! TTyl GOOD LUCK
Wow that sounds exciting! Crazy! Hope everything goes really well. This blog looks great I have sen some really lame ones. This one is very sophisticated and neat. I will be here very often. I can't wait for an addition to the family. Two more cosusins to add to the list. lol! TTyl GOOD LUCK
The boys are finally here! Erin and I can't wait to see them. Their good looks definitely come from their uncle.
Can't wait to see pictures of the bundle of joys!!!
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