Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January 24, 2011 - Middle School Munchkin Munchin'

Daniel brought Twin B to school during my lunch time while Twin A was in speech class.  We took a walk to the cafeteria and after being treated like a celebrity by the kids, he was thrilled to pick what he'd eat for lunch.  He was quite happy with his lunch tray that had a slice of pepperoni pizza, fat free chocolate milk, apple juice, and an apple.
* Picture taken with my "dumb phone" (the opposite of a smart phone).

Saturday, January 21, 2012

January 21, 2012 - Accident Prone Dan

If there is a corner to bump into, he'll find it. If there is a door knob to bang into, he'll "bond" with it.  If there is a slippery floor, he'll be found face down. Our accident prone sweetie bit the dust at pre-school yesterday.  It didn't look bad after school; today it looks like he duked it out with Rocky Balboa.  Sweet Auntie Mich says that he looks like he outshined his shiner.

January 8, 2012 - ~Ladies Night Out~

Leah made arrangements for us to see Wicked at the Pantages followed by dinner at Fabiolus. Being the super early gal that she is, we even had time for a cocktail before the show. What a nice way to end our Christmas vacation :)
*Not being the picture taker at this life event, dodo bird me forgot to post this awesome night with awesome gals.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 16, 2012 -Chicago, Here We Come!

This relaxing and uneventful weekend filled only with church, Chutes & Ladders, Candy Land, and Happy Feet 2 at the dollar theater ended on a high note.  We are going to visit The Windy City!  The irresistible opportunity presented itself  in a fleeting deal on Virgin Atlantic. Before the sensible side of me could kick in, I had us booked.  Travel tradition dictates that once my tickets are purchased, I dutifully plop myself on the floor of the travel section of a bookstore and peruse (& purchase) the Frommer's book of my destination; I rounded up the boys, headed to Barnes & Noble, and did just that :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January 5, 2012 - Mt. High Tubers

The weather in Whittier was to be in the 80's, so I thought this would be the perfect time to head up to the mountains. Translation: Mama can handle the expected 60 degrees weather there :)  Anthony took to tubing instantly. Our Daniel, on the other hand, preferred to be a spectator.  He did show some interest, and we thought he'd go for it.  However, when push came to shove (literally), he couldn't do it.  "Next time," he says.  Daddy, being the good sport, took him to the lodge

January 1, 2012 - Movie Night

They LOVE Thomas and Friends!