Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 27, 2011 - Thomas the Elf

We are starting the tradition of the Elf on the Shelf this year.  The boys are old enough to understand the concept of actions being naughty or nice, so this may be a nice reinforcement.  They are also young enough to believe in Santa Claus and the magic of this season.  I will figure out how to teach them the true meaning of Christmas, but in the meantime, we'll keep their elf, Thomas, around.
*The book states that the elf must be named.  They tossed around names and landed on Thomas, in honor of their love for Thomas the Train.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 26, 2011 - Quack, Quack, Quack

A beautiful afternoon at the park!  The leaves shouted autumn, but the temperature whispered summer.

Monday, November 21, 2011

November 21, 2011 - Clearly Thankful

Recipe for Thankful Mirror:
1) Take friend Jennelle's mirror idea
2) Combine the boys' thankful trees made at Michael's
3) Add their school mealtime prayer

November 16, 2011 - Pre-School Picture

It was time for pre-school pictures!  Knowing that it is a crap shoot with the boys and formal picture taking,  we only ordered a class picture.  To our surprise, the photographer got a great shot of Daniel!  She included it with their class picture. Seems unfair to have only Twin A's picture, so I'm in the process of ordering Anthony's.

Friday, November 11, 2011

November 7, 2011 - Candy Corn Bingo

Here's one way to use left over candy corn :)

November 6, 2011 - Rainy Sunday

A little rain didn't keep these two from wanting to go to Sunday school.  On the contrary, they were eager to put on their rain slickers and open their Cars 2 umbrellas.  Splashing through the puddle was simply icing on the cake :)

November 1, 2011 - Treats for the Troops

We took the boys for a dental cleaning and found out that the office was going to be doing a candy collection for the military on November 1st.  I told my students to think about these soldiers, many who are just a 6 years older than them, far away from home and missing out on Halloween and other holidays.  I asked them to consider supporting this drive by bringing in just one little handful of candy from their loot. These kids were so generous.  They turned in 14 lbs. of candy for what I dubbed Treats for the Troops!  I am so proud of my Eagles!!!!!

A win:win = Less cavities for the kids and smiles on soldiers' faces!

A Xerox box full of candy from Room 3 :)

October 31, 2011 - Happy Halloween

These boys are too funny!  They like their led lit pumpkins so much that they have them on the nightstand by the bed.

October 30, 2011 - Pancakes, Pumpkins, and Pirates

Today started out
 with chocolate chip, Halloween pancakes
 and then service.

Then....we took off to the La Habra Children's Museum to carve some pumpkins. The boys were initially interested while selecting their pumpkin, gathering supplies, and picking a design to carve. However, interest quickly dwindled once they realized this activity would get their hands very dirty. I winded up being the solo pumpkin carver. The vision I had in my head of how this first carving would go played out differently in reality. Oh well! They played, I carved.

we went home and patiently waited until dark to visit the pirate themed haunted house.
Before going, I reminded them that this was make believe and only for Halloween.  I told them that if they got scared, they could close their eyes or do their Blas karate.  The boys were brave as we went through the maze. Anthony did wind up continuing through with his eyes covered after a good scare that made us all scream.  Daniel gave the pirate by the exit door an unexpected karate chop, which made him burst into laughter. 

October 29, 2011 - Jacob's 3rd @ Snoopy's Clubhouse

 Next destination: Snoopy's Clubhouse to celebrate Jacob's 3rd birthday.  The party was short and sweet but quite fun-filled for all the kids.  They got to color, play on the Wii, eat pizza, socialize, meet Snoopy, and enjoy cake.  We picked up soup for their flu ridden dad on the way home.  Once back in the car, these tired kids were knocked out by the end of one song.

October 29, 2011 - Batman Takes The Field

Coach's assistant called and said the kids could come to practice dressed festively.  Crime fighters Batman and Robin took to the field. Anthony quickly ditched the cape to play with his friends. Daniel chose to ditch the friends and play in his cape. Honestly, sometimes I think the only thing these two have in common is that they shared a womb.

October 28, 2011 - Pre-School Harvest Parade

The boys' preschool has an annual harvest parade.  Apparently it is a big deal as is evidenced by the street's closing and the abundance of parents lined along the street eagerly waiting with their fancy cameras, cell phones, camcorders, and IPads to document their little ones come down the street with their classmates and sing.  After the parade, the parents mingled and enjoyed a quick bite with their little munchkins.  Thankfully, this Macy's parade was during my lunch time :)