It is hard to believe, but I kept the secret of our surprise trip to Florida for over 2 months. Daniel was sure I would spill the beans; I secretly thought I would, too! I'm so glad I didn't, for the shock on their faces made my silence worth it. The days slipped by quickly as we drove all over spending time with Daniel's peeps and mine. The 25th arrived in a blink of an eye, and we had to say goodbye to 83 degrees weather and say hello to 59 degrees at LAX. Our flight had been delayed for 2 hours due to maintenance issues, but we were fortunate to come home to a delicious Thanksgiving dinner prepared by my mother-in-law. Putting aside the chilly weather, it is good to be home ;)
P.S. Happy birthday Mommy and Gilster! To all our family: We miss you already!!! Hasta la proxima :)
Daniel had lots of school work to do, so he arranged for us to go to Disneyland via the magic of Cousin Giana. Josefina thankfully came with us to provide an extra pair of much needed hands. It was a good day!
My dad and Mercy chose to celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary in Las Vegas. Vegas being only 3 1/2 - 4 hours away, we made plans to join in on the fun. Maddy and her family came as well. It is not the easiest place to be with 2.7 year old twins and an 8 month old baby, but we all managed. Our trip was short but sweet since we got to see some of the family. Toddler Talk: Anthony has progressed to 4 word sentences: "Shoo bee my house!" "Mama/Dadda, where baby go?" To think I was impressed with, "I fall down."
As I went to the polls tonight to cast my votes for the various candidates and propositions, it saddened me that I didn't feel good about any of the candidates. Nontheless, I stood in my box voting because I firmly believe that if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain. And, if you are not involved in the process, you are part of the problem. My voice may not be heard tonight, but I spoke.
Gee, was I ever thankful that Halloween finally graced us with its appearance. Why? Too many before the event events. Granted, this was my fault. However, this was the first year that the boys really got into it. They helped with the ginger bread house on Wednesday and attended the school harvest carnival on Thursday. Over the weekend, they attended 2 alternative nights where they got to participate in games, eat popcorn and cotton candy, and receive tons of treats. I really like that many local churches host these nights giving families a safe alternative to trick-or-treating. The only home we treated at was Titi Cindy's. :)