The boys finally got their first haircut! It had been something Daniel and I had been talking about for a while now. The gal who normally cuts my hair had some time, so I decided impusively that there was no time like the present. The boys were for the most part cooperative for Nancy. It is amazing how this one change transformed their look. Our babies look so grown up now :(
Thanksgiving was spent in Riveride at the house of Daniel's brother, Johnny. Thankfully my sister-in-law does all the cooking :) All we have to do is bring dessert. Her good cooking somehow balances out the long drive!
We took the boys for a short visit to Barnes and Noble. They are not yet at the point of being able to sit down nicely and listen to a story be read by Mom or Dad when there. It is much more fun to explore the store.
Latest actions: These boys love taking all the pillows off the sofas, throwing pillows off our bed, tossing folded clothes out of drawers, pushing the dining room chairs across the living room, feeding Lucky, typing on our laptops, insisting on using real forks and spoons, and chasing each other across the family room while screaming at the top of their lungs!