My friend, Sherri, who works at Knott’s Berry Farm, gave me two free tickets to the park. Daniel was working, so Josefina and I took the boys to have some fun and meet Snoopy. Camp Snoopy (the area designated for the little ones) had a few rides the boys were able to get on. I can’t say that Daniel thoroughly enjoyed the rides. However, the boys both LOVED the bouncer that held only 8 kids at a time. They were a bit hesitant upon entering, but once they got the hang of it, they were out of control. They were rolling, wobbling, and belting out belly laughs. They didn’t want to come out when time was up, so I had to go in and get them to the tune of their piercing cries. That bouncer was such a hit, we had to go back a second time. I made a note to self that a bouncer must be ordered for their second birthday. This visit didn’t include shows or a visit to the water park, maybe next time. We did get to meet Snoopy though.
The boys have better nights than others in terms of sleeping through the night. They do wake up to be soothed and have the pacifier put back in their mouths. Some nights Anthony will wake up, crawl out of bed, and walk with Daddy back to our bed. While Baby Daniel will cry out and get carried back to our bed (formerly known as the family bed). We were quite proud of our little sweet peas on Saturday night because they slept the whole night. I can’t say that I slept soundly; I was listening for snoring, whimpers, and movement. I am so glad we are doing this before I go back to work.
Daniel and Linda Update: We just celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary!