Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 23, 2008 - Geoffrey the Giraffe (24 Weeks)

Our weekends consist of checking off as many things on our checklist as possible. On this week's list was a trip to Babies R Us. I was so happy that we went. Geoffrey, the giraffe, was there for photos. My loving husband, who is not a big fan of partaking is his wife's silliness, was a great sport in taking the picture! We didn't wind up buying the exersaucer we set out on buying. Anthony's second expression should explain why.
Anthony is making this new face. He puffs out his cheeks and pushes his lips out like a trumpet player. Daniel continues to be fascinated by his hands and loves the sound of his laugh. Hence, he often laughs a purposeful laugh. They are just such happy boys!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 16, 2008 - Discovery Zone (23 Weeks)

The boys have been doing the funniest things lately. They are definitely obsessed with their hands. Now Daniel does the whole intense staring at the fist and index finger. They both have discovered that their hands can clasp together. Daniel especially is amused by this and will bring his hands together and stare intensely. Then he will quickly bring them toward his mouth and shove them in. This is followed by laughing. Speaking of laughing, they seem to find sneezing quite amusing. They sneeze, and you can count on a giggle to follow. Anthony has taken to putting several fingers into his mouth at one time. Since Daniel has now found his voice, you can hear the boys' symphony of sounds filing the house. The last thing that has developed this week is Anthony's discovery of his tongue. He now likes to stick it out and looks like a turtle when he does.
This week was pretty quiet. Sunday was Daniel's birthday, and he wanted it to be low key. We had a little BBQ with our two neighbors and our friend Chris. Since he was working Sunday, we celebrated Saturday night. On the actual 46th birthday, we had breakfast as a family at Carrows before he left to show property.

September 9, 2008 - It's All in the Hands - 22 Weeks

It's official...I am back at work! It is definitely taking some time for me to get adjusted to being away from the boys. It takes all I have in me not to call home and check in on them. I do my best to get my work done during my prep period and my lunch time, so that I can get home to them. Being that they get sleepy at around 7:30 p.m., I only have about 3 1/2 hours with them. I definitely use that time to hold them, kiss them, and tell them how much I love and missed them during the day.
On a brighter note, they sure have become fascinated with their hands. This has been going on a few weeks already. Anthony especially loves to stare at his fist intently. He likes to raise his index finger in a way that looks like he is scolding you. It is a sight to see! They have also discovered their voices. They love to giggle out loud and babble. The boys are also drooling A LOT! I think it may be a sign that teeth may be coming soon.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

September 2, 2008 - The Nanny (21 Weeks)

We are very fortunate to have acquired our nanny Josefina. She was the nanny for my friend’s twins. Janette will now be staying home with her children so she arranged for us to talk with Josefina. We liked her very much and have hired her to stay with our boys three days a week (Tuesday-Thursday). Daniel will stay home with them on Monday and Friday, and I will be with them on the weekend. This schedule allows minimum day care and maximum bonding while generating income. Hopefully we can stick to this schedule.
This week was hard for me. I had to return to work on Tuesday and Wednesday for teacher training days which meant leaving the boys for the first time. I kissed them both with tears streaming down my face. I then kissed Daniel and left before completing falling apart. I called my mom once in the car and cried to her. She calmed me down and I made my way to the meeting after getting myself composed. My mantra was, “Try not to talk about them and you’ll get through today.” One of my friends who already walked these steps years ago knew how hard this first day back would be for me. What he said to me I will forever remember. He said, “It doesn’t get any easier. It gets better.” It got me through the day. Thank you, Kenny!!! When I got home, I saw they were fine and not traumatized as I thought they would be. I guess the only traumatized person was me.
I worked in my classroom on Thursday, and Daniel helped me with my classroom on Friday. We didn’t get too much accomplished since the boys were with us, but that’s life.
A big thanks to Pat Eyestone from the district office. She gave us two high chairs, two car seats, and some toys compliments of her son who also has twins (girls). What a blessing!

Monday, September 1, 2008

August 26, 2008 - A Vacation From Our Vacation Needed (20 Weeks)

We had a few hiccups along the way (lost luggage, my lost credit card, Daniel’s wallet lost, his back going out, and Tropical Storm Fay) but we enjoyed our adventure . All good things must come to an end and this family was ready to wake up in our own bed and return to our regular life. Adios East Coast…until next time!

The weather permitted us to leave on Wednesday. Reliable Leah picked us up on time and got us home after a pitstop. I knew we'd be exhausted when we returned. Therefore, we made sure we left the house clean before leaving and planned to return with our clothes washed, so all we'd have to do was unpack and relax. That went as planned. I spent the remainder of the week trying to get the boys back to their routine. Daniel spent it playing catch up with work. The only real thing on my agenda was to get to the teacher supply store and take the boys for their vaccinations. They did much better this second round of shots. I still had the tears well up in my eyes as they cried out when each needle pierced their skin (3 shots and 1 oral vaccination).

A major event did occur this week...the introduction of day care! Josefina, our nanny, began spending time with the boys in preparation for my return to work next week. She was here for three days shadowing me, working with them, and being left with them for a few hours at time. They did very well with her. She is a very loving lady.
Updated Stats: Daniel is now weighing 14 lbs. 11 oz. and Anthony is weighing 17lbs. 8 oz.!!!!